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    George Komnas was born in Piraeus. He has worked as a jurnalist in press and music producer for Radio Stations until 1995.
    His love for theater led him to compose music for many theatrical performances. He also composed music for documentary, films,interactive digital projects and commercial scores. George Komnas is the contributor of IONIAN THEATRE since 1996.
    He is a soloist of VIBRANDONEON.
    He has composed the music for the CD-ROM "World Heritage" under the label of UNESCO HISTORY OF ART CLUB and the music for the DVD "The First Population of Nikea Town" under the label of Municipality of Nikea.
    He wrote the music for the play of the Italian writer MAURA DEL SERRA: "Agnodice".
    In 2006 he wrote the music for the play about the creations and life of the American painter Andrew Wyeth under the title "Through Wyeth’s Window". The play was presented by APERTURE TECTONICS THEATER at the PRINCE MUSIC THEATER of PHILADELPHIA on September 2006 and was directed by Paul Blore.
    He has composed the music for the short film "THE MAN WHO CONQUERED THE LIFE" , about the life of the artist Costas Vloutis that was the official gift of Municapality of Athens to Beijing for the OLYMPIC GAMES.
    The film was directed by Antonios Papadopoulos.
    In 2008 also, he composed the music for the documentary film : "A GREEK VILLAGE IN MINOR ASIA". This film was directed by Antonios Papadopoulos and presented by the Greek chanell SKAI TV.
    In 2007 , the President of Greek Composers Union Theodoros Antoniou rewarded him for his composition "The Walls ".

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